I edit a lot of digital content for a global tech company and so many pieces don't tell the reader what they're selling until about 50 words in. And by then, most people have tuned out.
◾You might be excited about your shiny new 'thing' but don't focus on the technical features or origins story.
◾Don't obsess about showing company experience/expertise/[insert other overused noun here].
It's all too common in B2B messaging, but here's how to fix it. My advice isn't new but it will transform your copy.
◾Focus on what your potential customers really need to know.
Answer these in all your messaging. Ideally in this order:
1. What is this service/tool/product?
Say what it is upfront - clearly and concisely.
2. Is it of benefit?
What is the purpose? How does this thing solve a problem, address a pain point, make business easier...?
3. Really? It sounds too good to be true.
Validate your claim but don't focus on this so much that you ignore the most important questions above. You can include the technical features here if they support the benefits. Statistics, test results, customer reviews or case studies are great to add here. B2B decision making often involves more people, so information needs to be available to share with decision makers, budget holders, directors, etc.
4. Does it come in red?
This sometimes comes later in the customer journey, but include specifications, dimensions, options if it's a common decision filter.
5. So what's the catch?
Be clear with caveats, pricing, limitations. You want the best leads, so don't get everyone excited, then kill their hopes and dreams with red tape.
6. How do I buy?
Make it clear and easy. Encourage potential customers to find out more and start the sales process.
Questions 3 and 4 are optional for content, but you should still ask yourself and prepare an answer. You will need them later on in the sales funnel.
Conclusion: Focus on the customer. Get to the point. Don't get distracted.
How many of these questions do you answer in your messaging? Are the answers clear? Are they upfront?